Ein Kind taucht im Außenbecken der Therme Loipersdorf und lacht.

Kids World

Water fun for kids

Fun for all!

Babies learn here to get familiar with the element of water and toddlers can learn to swim.

  • Water Fun Park for children older than 3 years of age

  • Otto’s Kids Club and Crèche

  • Baby Beach

  • Baby and toddler swimming lessons

  • Fun Park with 4 exciting slides

Eine Frau spielt mit zwei Kleinkindern mit Sand des Baby Beach im Thermenresort Loipersdorf.Zwei Kleinkinder spielen mit Wasser.Ein Kind in einem Reifen rutscht in einer Wasserrutsche.Die Fliesen eines Kinder-Bades mit Fischen.

For children older than 3

Water Fun Park

Your thrilling adventure world for climbing, swimming and sliding! For all guests older than 3. Children younger than 6 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Parents are liable for their children’s actions.

Der Klettergarten mit Baumhaus im Thermenresort Loipersdorf.

Enchanted forest

It’s a place of magic: The wooden huts are connected by bridges. Clamber about and have fun onshore before and after taking a swim.

Eine Wasserrutsche in der Kinderwelt des Thermenresorts Loipersdorf.


Two awesome slides invite you to have a thrilling ride. But we play it safe. You will land in soft sand.

Ein Kind im Klettergarten im Thermenresort Loipersdorf.

Climbing fun

On these nets you can show them all what an excellent climber you are! How fast can you make it through the passageways?

Ein großer Wassersprenkler in der Kinderwelt des Thermenresorts Loipersdorf.

Water cannon

Even the greatest landlubber wants to get a splash here! Our water cannon is an excellent way to freshen up a little from time to time.

Song Kürbisdusche


Animation for Kids

In allen österreichischen Schulferien sowie an den Wochenenden und Feiertagen gibt es bei uns jeden Tag Neues zu entdecken. Unser Maskottchen Otto hat gemeinsam mit dem Animationsteam ein spannendes Animationsprogramm für euch vorbereitet!

Was euch erwartet:

  • Lustige Spiele und kreative Bastelideen

  • Tolle Erinnerungen dank Unterwasser-Fotoshootings

  • Optional: Kinderbetreuung

Nächstes Ferienprogramm: 12.04. bis 21.04.2025

Zum Osterferien-Programm

Zum Animationsprogramm (Fr-So)
Drei Kids mit Taucherbrille und Otto.

Baby Beach

Fun and action for the little ones

Here, our little guests can learn to familiarize with the element of water and have fun in a safe way.

  • Real sand

  • Fresh water at a pleasant temperature

  • Slide

  • Mini wave pool

Celebrate your birthday with Otto!

Otto’s fun party

Children’s birthday party at the Thermal Resort

Swimming with babies

Baby swimming lessons

When swimming with babies, the intense physical contact strengthens the ties between parents and child. Moreover, children learn to trust in themselves already at a young age.

Duration of each course: 7 units at 45 minutes each (plus 1 alternative date)

Price: € 117 Information & Registration: Ms. Renate Mildner by e-mail or phone at 0699/17 22 63 58.

Ein Kleinkind taucht mit einer Taucherbrille.

Otto Song

Otto on Tour

Fischotter Otto im Auto.
Trefft unser Maskottchen

For everyone from 8 years

Slides in the adventure pool

These terrific slides are great water fun. And super-fast. Children younger than indicated can run the respective slide when accompanied by an adult.

Ein Blick auf die Panorama-Wasserrutsche des Thermenresorts Loipersdorf.

Panoramic slide

This slide meanders down for 100 m with an excellent view of our Adventure Spa. For guests older than 6 years of age.

Zwei Personen rutschen in der Carrera Doppelrutsche um die Wette.

Carrera double slide

Is there anything better than a slide? Two slides! The challenge is to be the fastest at the finish line when racing down these 142 m long slides. For guests older than 8 years of age.

Ein Kind in einem Reifen rutscht die Wasserrutsche Wirbelwind hinab.


Grab an inner tube and race down the 80m long track before you enter the funnel. Try to make there as many rounds as possible. For guests older than 8 years of age.

Eine junge Frau in der Wasserrutsche Pfitschipfeil.


Fastest slide at our Adventure Spa: While racing down this 65 m long slide you can reach a speed of up to 50km/h and whoosh down from a height of 12.5 m! For guests older than 12 years of age.


Schnitzeljagd im Thermenresort Loipersdorf
Digitale Schnitzeljagd

Ottos Rettung aus Piratenhand

There is so much more to see and to do

At our Adventure Spa there are so many things to discover: Water fun is waiting for you indoors and outdoors!

  • Mountain torrent with rapids

  • Sport pool with counter-current system

  • Grotto with light effects

  • Vast outdoor area in summer

Zum Erlebnisbad
Ein Vater nimmt seine Tochter in einem Schwimmbad auf seine Schultern.Ein Klettergerüst mit Sand im Außenbereich des Thermenresort Loipersdorf.Der Wildbach im Außenbereich des Thermenresorts Loipersdorf.Eine Familie rutscht in einer Wasserrutsche des Thermenresorts Loipersdorf.

Family Guide

Get ready for your family vacation. Our Family Guide provides useful information about your stay at the Thermal Resort Loipersdorf.

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Zwei Personen sitzen im Bademantel vor einer Sauna des Thermenresort Loipersdorf.

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